BVA 35 CoinSaturday, October 20th -

  • BASE PASS PICK UP – Available at Holiday Inn after Bike Run

  • 3rd Annual Beirut Memorial Ride – 9 am New River Harley: Strength & Honor Beirut Run

  • Meet-n-Greet, Headquarters Holiday Inn / Sales

Sunday, October 21st -

  • BASE PASS PICK UP – Available at Holiday Inn

  • Meet-n-Greet, Headquarters Holiday Inn / Sales / Food Truck

Monday, October 22nd -

  • BASE PASS PICK UP – Available at Formation, BVA Annual Mtg & then Holiday Inn

  • 10:00 am – All Hands (Veterans & Families) Formation.
    This event lets Marines, Sailors, & Soldiers meet old friends and make new ones.  Families, this is a great, informal way to meet those guys your loved one served with a few years ago, well… you get the drift.

LOCATION:  100 yards East of Our Wall, the Beirut Memorial. Corner of LeJeune Blvd. (Rt. 24) and Montford Landing Rd.  Park in the parking lot or Cemetery across the street. You can find the Memorial by going to map link below and dragging the map to move it LEFT, or just follow the crowd.  (Map Link)

  • 2:00 pm – Beirut Veterans of America, Inc. (BVA), Annual Meeting.  All members are encouraged to show up, anyone interested in learning more about the BVA is welcome to come.  We will have elections of four Board Members. We will also be discussing our new scholarship and other items.  Base Passes passed out.

    LOCATION:  9 Tallman St, Jacksonville,   NC 28540  Google Directions

  • Meet-n-Greet, Headquarters Holiday Inn / Sales / Food Truck / Base Passes

Tuesday, October 23rd

  • 6:00 am – Candlelight Service, The Beirut Memorial (Map link)

  • 10:30 am – Memorial Service, The Beirut Memorial (Map link)

  • 11:30 am – 2/8 Alumni Day, Static Display, tours

  • 2:00 pm [Updated]  – Devil Dog Service, Camp Geiger [Base Access Needed]

  • 5:00 pm – 35th Memorial Remembrance Dinner [PROGRAM], Goettge Field House, Mainside Camp LeJeune [Pre-purchased dinner ticket required][Base Access Necessary] (Map link)