Devil’s Den is a gripping story about a group of young, high-spirited, cocky, and sometimes rebellious US Marines and sailors sent by a reluctant commander in chief to the Middle East to assume a mission they hadn’t prepared for and didn’t understand.
Lebanon’s civil war was in its eighth year in May 1983 when they landed in Beirut as peacekeepers to join a multinational force. There, they faced brazened Muslim leaders, militia, soldiers, and terrorists who took full advantage of these combatants constrained by overly restrictive rules of engagement. Who were these men? Where did they come from? Why should they be concerned about their adventure to Beirut? Devil’s Den will take you to the gates of Hell with its explosive inferno. Neither the men who survived nor the reader will ever be the same.
The book will be available in September at Amazon. Meet the author in October at the 37th Memorial anniversary. For more go to https://www.davidbrownbooks.